Does she stand a chance? Yes, she has a chance!

What times, what times. Biden unable to formulate coherently anymore and went completely under, Trump surviving an attack and standing with a fist in the air in front of the American flag. We thought the Democrats' days were numbered and a victory for the convicted criminal was already a reality. But American democracy is not yet lost, no sir.

Thank God Biden realized just in time that he was hopeless against Trump, but who was to replace him? With concern, I watched as Kamala Harris was put forward by the party leadership. Harris? Wasn't that slightly too smiley and nervous lady, is that the dream candidate?

Let one thing be clear: she must have come a long way. In racist and misogynist America, she is already 2-0 behind. Moreover, she is paired with Biden as Vice President, which reflects negatively on her.

Whether she can win the election depends largely on her rhetorical skills. Her predecessor Obama showed that with positive energy and inspiring speeches you can achieve a lot, a lot. Until now, Harris had shown little of that side of herself. But to my surprise, she gave a blazing start to her campaign with her speech in Milwaukee yesterday.

So what was good about her speech?

She portrayed herself as a "people's" President. Trump supports the millionaires, she supports the people.
She portrays herself - as a former District Attorney - as Lady Justice versus a crook.
She paints a doom-and-gloom picture of what it will be like under Trump and a bright future of what it will be like under her: 'We won't go back.'
In doing so, she makes use of smooth one-liners and claptrap, e.g., on abortion: 'We trust women to make decisions about their own bodies, and not have their government tell them what to do!' (The crowd went wild)

What we must guard against is false hope. Wish is master of thought, in the past the Republicans won more often when the Democrats had the most votes. It listens closely.

Fewer abstractions, more storytelling

What Harris should not do is identify herself too much with Biden, and be too humble. What she does need to do is lay out her own line, and in doing so, she and her campaign team seem to be headed in the right direction. In addition, she could do more storytelling, not just abstract speeches, but stories about herself and the people she has met. If she can convincingly show that positive, human side of herself (which Hillary Clinton failed to do) she can win.

And finally: power. My God, what a relief not to have to look (sorry Joe) at a bumbling old man anymore, but at a powerhouse with a grin on her face, who feels like it and wants to get going.

The outcome is far from certain, Kamala Harris has a slim chance. But she stands a chance.